[Academic Case] Kejia 1200°C vacuum furnace is used at Ariel University, Ariel, Israel
Article link: https://d1wqtxts1xzle7.cloudfront.net/69010376/ZnO_Bl_Layers-libre.pdf?1630663890=&response-content-disposition=inline%3B+filename%3DCHARACTERIZATION_OF_SPUTTERED_ZnO_BLOCKI.pdf&Expires=1715583646&Signature=LZPbNuI0nQLH1IXDocPJX4gf8roqVSpYg8yptMmJVvOcUMyrcfvZdzmONukxT5rDmYzavbuV9EkBogwhqcuq3ZRSF2NWF4iKoXByw~ldsSGg5dCJokmO6NjfjbNnlYPZiXN-1sjexsU2Rs6Yn~qT4MA-fbsxTGxNq4eUQVGas6jFJfxzMoSMB4dTIUCjRijkf9104ETOHUHnXOCiOtv9EY8NqEu4Nk3Sn3dFDB16XLDKk5rZr1yvlge75LeFVOBbDFL1QT2upHUK0Xbccpakgm~VhAXFc5oj9uHFnwOWelh7TSiGvfTwMTPyj8xUCnVox2TQnA2KS40W2LD-jCbQ-A__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZAIntroduction to the paper: This paper is sponsored by 1. V. Danchuk and N. Shatalov from Department of Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology and Materials, Faculty of Engineering, Ariel University, Ariel, Israel and 2. R. Pogreb and A. Musin from Physics Department, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Ariel University, Ariel, Israel co-published on "academia.edu" in 2019.
The 1200°C vacuum furnace of our Kejia Company mentioned in the experiment in this paper is used for experimental annealing and requires a certain degree of vacuum. The paper also specifically mentioned China's Zhengzhou Kejia Electric Furnace Co., Ltd. Here, I am also very grateful to Ariel University, Ariel, Israel for its recognition and recommendation. Zhengzhou Kejia Electric Furnace Co., Ltd. has been committed to providing high-efficiency and energy-saving experimental electric furnace research equipment to universities, laboratory research institutes and other institutions around the world. We sincerely wish you all great academic success!
Equipment mentioned in the paper: