Application and classification of experimental electric furnace
What is an experimental furnace? What are the main uses?
Generally speaking, it is an electric heating furnace for experiment. The experimental electric furnace is mainly used for experiments, mostly for quantitative analysis of sintering and ashing test; it is a kind of intermittent resistance furnace, but it does not mean that the intermittent electric furnace is the experimental electric furnace. Nowadays, it is used in experiments and small batch production in colleges, industrial and mining enterprises.
There are many kinds of experimental electric furnaces, but they can be classified in the following aspects:
1. It can be divided into high temperature muffle furnace, vacuum box furnace, box atmosphere furnace, vacuum furnace, zirconia sintering furnace, crystallization furnace, bell jar furnace, rail furnace, vacuum tube furnace, PECVD system, CVD equipment, etc;
2. Furnace shape can be divided into box type resistance furnace and tube type resistance furnace;
3. From the operation procedure, it can be divided into manual programming resistance furnace and artificial intelligent resistance furnace;
4. According to the experimental atmosphere conditions, it can be divided into oxidation atmosphere resistance furnace and vacuum atmosphere resistance furnace;
5. It can be divided into: low temperature resistance furnace (below 600 ℃), medium temperature resistance furnace (600 ℃ - 1000 ℃), high temperature resistance furnace (1000 ℃ - 1700 ℃), ultra high temperature resistance furnace (1800 ℃ - 2600 ℃)
The heating elements of the experimental furnace are 0cr25al5, 0cr27al7mo2, Cr20Ni80, SiC, MoSi2, TD, Mo, W, zirconia, lanthanum chromate, etc.